Grafía normalizada:
Traducción uno:
Manteau tissé à la manière d'un filet en fibres d'agave.
Traducción dos:
manteau tissé à la manière d'un filet en fibres d'agave.
Contexto:châlcaâyâtl, variante châlcâyâtl.
Manteau tissé à la manière d'un filet en fibres d'agave.
Angl., netted cape.
Allem., Netzmantel, von den Kriegern des Telpochcalli getragen.
SGA II 426 et 497.
" zanyio in neolololo châlcâyâtl ", wrapped only in netted capes. Sah3,56.
" inin chálcayatl tlamalintli in icpatl tlatlalpitl iuhquin matlatl cilloh, in tlahtohqueh teôcuitlacilloh in închâlcaâyâuh, in cuacuachicti închâlcâyâuh mihtoa xoxocyoh, inic mihtoa xoxocoyoh huehueyipopol in îtech quipipiloa icpatetl ", this netted cape was of twisted maguey fiber, knotted like a net set with small, white gastropod shellss The rulers had golden gastropods shelles in their netted capes. Of the netted capes of the shorn ones it was said: 'They are provided with fruits'. For this reason was it said: 'They are provided with fruit', that ver,y large fiber balls hung from them. Sah3,56.
Texte esp., 'vestianse con las mantas de maguey que se llaman 'chalcaayatl', las cuales eran tejidas de hilo de maguey torcido, no eran tupidas, sino flojas y ralas, a manera de red' (Sah III Appendix cap.51. SGA II 426.
Form: sur âyâtl, morph.incorp. chalca-tl.
2004 Wimmer