Grafía normalizada:
Traducción uno:
botanique, nom d'une plante.
Traducción dos:
botanique, nom d'une plante.
Contexto:nahnacaceh *£ botanique, nom d'une plante.
syn. de tzipipahtli.
La plante décrite en CF XI 141r = ECN9,142 = Sah11,144.
La racine est médicinale.
" tzipipahtli ahnôzo nanacaceh: tlanelhuatl tomactontli. nanacaceh in îquillo iuhquin êlôquilitl. oc no centlamantli tzipipahtli ahnozo hueyi pahtli, tlanelhuatl olôltic. mocenneloa, mocuacualatza. coni in tzipiti piltôntli ahnoce ômocaxanih ahnôce motlehuia. mochi îpahyo, in nanacaceh chillôcân huâllauh, in hueyi pahtli tescatepec ", the root is small and thick. The folliage of 'nanacaceh' is like that of 'eloquilitl'. Still another kind, 'tzipipahtli' or 'hueyi pahtli' (has) a round root. All are mixted together, boiled. A small child, or one relapsed into sickness, or one who has fever drinks (infusion). It is the cure for all this, 'nanacaceh' comes from Chillocan, 'hueyi pahtli' from Tezcatepec.
Cod Flor XI 141r = ECN9,142 = Sah11,144.
Citée en Sah10,139.
Cf. F.Hernández. Rerum Medicarum Novae Hispaniae Thesaurus. p. 205 (avec illustration).
2004 Wimmer